Andrea Lopez
She is a technical agricultural engineer, specialized in the food industry, by the Polytechnic University of Madrid. She also has a Masters Degree in Engineering Management in the natural environment, where she undertook further studies in environmental engineering.
Her professional experience has always been linked to engineering projects and, in recent years, Andrea has specialized in the implementation of energy management systems.
She is a member of ISO TC 301 (representing Spain), the committee that wrote ISO 50001 and is currently developing a suite of supporting standards.
She is an international expert on energy management with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and also a technical expert in ISO 50001 with ENAC (Accreditation body in Spain).
She has led the implementation of Energy Management Systems for numerous international clients, directing the process of planning, data analysis, training and operation.
Andrea has recently been appointed as a member of the board of A3e (Spanish association of energy efficiency).